Jump to letter: [
Cg -
NVIDIA Cg Toolkit
EmptyEpsilon -
Spaceship bridge simulator game
Frodo -
Commodore 64 emulator
OpenEXR_Viewers-nonfree -
Viewers programs for OpenEXR
An open-source port of Prince of Persia
TestU01 -
Utilities for the statistical testing of uniform random number generators
abuse -
The classic Crack-Dot-Com game
amap -
Network tool for application protocol detection
assaultcube -
Total conversion of Cube first person shooter
cannonball -
An Enhanced OutRun Engine
clipgrab -
A free video downloader and converter
d1x -
Descent 1 game and shareware data files (d1x-rebirth version)
dfhack -
Memory hacking library for Dwarf Fortress and a set of tools that use it
dgen-sdl -
A Sega Genesis (MegaDrive outside the US) emulator
discord -
All-in-one voice and text chat
dream -
A software radio for AM and Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM)
dwarffortress -
A single-player procedurally generated fantasy game
dwarftherapist -
Management tool designed to run side-by-side with Dwarf Fortress
dynamips -
Cisco Router Emulator
etlegacy -
Fully compatible client and server for the game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
faac -
Encoder and encoding library for MPEG2/4 AAC
fdk-aac -
Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library
fdkaac -
Command line frontend for libfdk-aac encoder
frobtads -
Text interpreter for Tads games
frogatto -
An old-school 2D platform game
gstreamer1-plugins-icamerasrc -
GStreamer 1.0 Intel IPU6 camera plug-in
intel-ipu6-kmod -
Kernel module (kmod) for intel-ipu6
intel-media-driver -
The Intel Media Driver for VAAPI
iozone -
Filesystem benchmarking utility
ipu6-camera-bins -
Binary library for Intel IPU6
ipu6-camera-hal -
Hardware abstraction layer for Intel IPU6
ivsc-firmware -
Intel iVSC firmware
kisslicer -
Keep It Simple Slicer
lha -
Archiving and compression utility for LHarc/lha/lzh archives
libva-intel-hybrid-driver -
VA driver for Intel G45 & HD Graphics family
lpf-spotify-client -
Spotify music player native client package bootstrap
man-pages-posix -
POSIX interface documentation
mari0 -
A recreation of the original Super Mario Bros with a portal gun
megasync -
Easy automated syncing between your computers and your MEGA cloud drive
meka -
Sega 8-bit emulator with debugging/hacking tools
mendeleydesktop -
Academic reference management software for researchers
mock-rpmfusion-nonfree -
Mock config files for the RPM Fusion NonFree Repository
nautilus-dropbox -
Dropbox extension for Nautilus
ndi-sdk -
nemo-dropbox -
Dropbox extension for nemo
netfabb-basic -
Freeware suite for STL editing
nrdp -
Nagios Remote Data Processor
nvidia-470xx-kmod -
NVIDIA 470xx display driver kernel module
nvidia-kmod -
NVIDIA display driver kernel module
nvidia-modprobe -
Load the NVIDIA kernel module and create NVIDIA character device files
nvidia-persistenced -
Daemon for maintaining persistent driver state
nvidia-settings -
Configure the NVIDIA graphics driver
nvidia-settings-390xx -
Configure the NVIDIA 390xx series graphics driver
nvidia-settings-470xx -
Configure the NVIDIA 470xx series graphics driver
nvidia-xconfig -
NVIDIA X configuration file editor
p54pci-firmware -
Firmware for the Linux p54pci driver
palcom-wwan-fcc-unlock -
FCC unlocking service for Palcom modems
pcsx2 -
Playstation 2 Emulator
pdflib-lite -
Portable C library for dynamically generating PDF files
perl-IP-Country -
Fast lookup of country codes from IP addresses
perl-PGPLOT -
Perl extension for using the pgplot library
pgplot -
Graphic library for making simple scientific graphs
plus4emu -
Portable emulator of the Commodore 264 family of computers
pushover -
Fun puzzle game with dominos
pyskool -
Remakes of Skool Daze and Back to Skool
ripcord -
Alternative desktop chat client for Slack (and Discord)
roadfighter -
Konami's Road Fighter remake
rpmfusion-nonfree-appstream-data -
Appstream metadata for the RPM Fusion nonfree repository
rpmfusion-nonfree-obsolete-packages -
A package to obsolete retired packages from rpmfusion-nonfree
rpmfusion-nonfree-release -
RPM Fusion (nonfree) Repository Configuration
snes9x -
Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator
sox-plugins-nonfree -
A general purpose sound file conversion tool
spectrum-roms -
A collection of Spectrum ROM images
steam -
Installer for the Steam software distribution service
uade -
Unix Amiga DeliTracker Emulator
unifi -
UniFi Network Controller
unifi-lts -
Ubiquiti UniFi controller LTS
unrar -
Utility for extracting, testing and viewing RAR archives
xcpc -
A portable Amstrad CPC 464/664/6128 emulator written in C
xorg-x11-drv-nvidia -
NVIDIA's proprietary display driver for NVIDIA graphic cards
xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-390xx -
NVIDIA's 390xx series proprietary display driver for NVIDIA graphic cards
xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-470xx -
NVIDIA's 470xx series proprietary display driver for NVIDIA graphic cards
xrick -
A clone of the game Rick Dangerous
xv -
Interactive image display program for X
yapeSDL -
A Commodore 264 family (C16, plus/4 etc.) emulator